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How to get a list of estimates, biditems, activities, and resources

This tutorial will walk through how to get a list of estimates, and then how to get the biditems, activities, and resources for an estimate.

Step 1: Get the Business Units

API calls in Estimate Insights require a business unit id. To get a list of business units, call the business unit endpoint.


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Step 2: Get the Estimates

To get all estimates, make a call to the estimates endpoint.

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Filtering Estimates

You can also take advantage of the $filter parameter to return a subset of estimates. The requests below show different ways of working with the $filter parameter. The following operators are available in the $filter parameter:
eq gt lt contains in

When filtering on string fields, enclose values in single quotes. When filtering on guid, datetime, and numbers do not enclose values in quotes.

Estimates that include earth in the name $filter=contains(name,'earth'):Estimates modified since Jan 1 2022 $filter=lastModified gt 2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z:Estimates with a bid total greater than 20,000,000 $filter=totals/bidTotal_Bid gt 20000000:

Step 3. Get the Detail Records

Next we will get the biditems, activities, and resources for the first estimate in the list. The $filter parameter works identically at this level. We could filter detail responses to specific estimates by taking advantage of the in operator: $filter=estimateId in (4d91b164-37a0-415d-a46a-7d104b854671, 51cb208b-93fb-47c9-be8f-01141baf38a4)

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Working with Pagination

By default, responses are limited to 100 results. You can adjust this with the $top parameter. You can request the next set of results with the $skip parameter. For example if we want to get the next page of results for the resources query, we could set the $skip=100.

It is important that all integrations are written in a way to take advantage of paging. While we don't currently limit the maximum value of the $top parameter, HCSS may decide to do so in the future. This would not be considered a breaking change.

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