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{- "IncidentForms": [
- {
- "FormName": "Vehicle",
- "Sections": [
- {
- "Section": "Owner Information",
- "Questions": [
- {
- "Question": "Name",
- "Answer": "FirstName LastName",
- "Attachments": [ ],
- "Passengers": [ ],
- "Address": null,
- "OtherVehicles": null,
- "OtherPassengers": null,
- "Items": null,
- "DaysInterval": null
}, - {
- "Section": "Attachments",
- "Questions": [
- {
- "Question": "Attachments",
- "Answer": "",
- "Attachments": [
- {
- "Name": "attachment",
- "MimeType": "image/png"
], - "Passengers": [ ],
- "Address": null,
- "OtherVehicles": null,
- "OtherPassengers": null,
- "Items": null,
- "DaysInterval": null
}, - {
- "Section": "Passenger Information",
- "Questions": [
- {
- "Question": "Passenger Information",
- "Answer": "",
- "Attachments": [ ],
- "Passengers": [
- {
- "Name": "FirstName LastName",
- "Address": "123 New Street",
- "Address2": null,
- "City": "Houston",
- "State": "TX",
- "ZipCode": "77042",
- "Country": "US",
- "MobilePhone": "555-111-4444",
- "HomePhone": "555-111-4444"
], - "Address": null,
- "OtherVehicles": null,
- "OtherPassengers": null,
- "Items": null,
- "DaysInterval": null
}, - {
- "Section": "Other Vehicle Information",
- "Questions": [
- {
- "Question": "Other Vehicle Information",
- "Answer": "",
- "Attachments": [ ],
- "Passengers": [ ],
- "Address": null,
- "OtherVehicles": [
- {
- "DriverName": "FirstName LastName",
- "Make": "Honda",
- "Model": "Civic",
- "Year": "2018",
- "LicensePlate": "SAM123",
- "VinNumber": "19XFC1048W9110023",
- "State": "TX",
- "Carrier": "Allstate",
- "PolicyNumber": "0123456789"
], - "OtherPassengers": null,
- "Items": null,
- "DaysInterval": null
}, - {
- "Section": "Other Passenger Information",
- "Questions": [
- {
- "Question": "Other Passenger Information",
- "Answer": "",
- "Attachments": [ ],
- "Passengers": [ ],
- "Address": null,
- "OtherVehicles": null,
- "OtherPassengers": [
- {
- "Vehicle": "Other Vehicle 1",
- "Name": "FirstName LastName",
- "MobilePhone": "555-111-4444",
- "HomePhone": "555-111-4444",
- "Address1": "123 Old Street",
- "Address2": null,
- "City": "Houston",
- "State": "TX",
- "Zip": "77042",
- "Country": "US"
], - "Items": null,
- "DaysInterval": null
}, - {
- "Section": "Item Information",
- "Questions": [
- {
- "Question": "Item Information",
- "Answer": "",
- "Attachments": [ ],
- "Passengers": [ ],
- "Address": null,
- "OtherVehicles": null,
- "OtherPassengers": null,
- "Items": [
- {
- "ItemDescription": "Drill",
- "EstimatedValue": "123"
], - "DaysInterval": null
}, - {
- "Section": "Classification",
- "Questions": [
- {
- "Question": "Days Away From Work",
- "Answer": "",
- "Attachments": [ ],
- "Passengers": [ ],
- "Address": null,
- "OtherVehicles": null,
- "OtherPassengers": null,
- "Items": null,
- "DaysInterval": {
- "FirstDay": "1/11/24",
- "LastDay": "1/24/24",
- "DaysAway": 14,
- "IncludeWeekends": true
], - "Attachments": [
- {
- "Name": "injury photo",
- "MimeType": "image/png"
], - "FieldAttachments": [
- {
- "Name": "injury photo",
- "MimeType": "image/png"
], - "MinersInvolved": [
- {
- "MinerCode": "minor-code-01",
- "JobTitle": "Contractor",
- "ExperienceJobTitle": "5",
- "ExperienceJobTitleMeasure": "years",
- "ExperienceMine": "2",
- "ExperienceMineMeasure": "months",
- "ExperienceTotalMining": "7",
- "ExperienceTotalMiningMeasure": "years"
], - "Address": {
- "Address1": "123 New Streat",
- "Address2": null,
- "City": "Houston",
- "State": "TX",
- "ZipCode": "77042",
- "Country": "US"
}, - "CreatedDateUtc": "2024-11-20T18:06:00.6036033Z",
- "LastModifiedUtc": "2024-11-20T18:06:00.6036033Z",
- "BusinessUnitDescription": "BU-123 description",
- "ReportingStatus": "ReportedToThirdPartyCarrier",
- "InsuranceCompanyName": "Allstate",
- "InsuranceClaimTypes": [
- "claim type 1"
], - "ClaimNumber": "111111",
- "Adjuster": "FirstName LastName",
- "AdjusterEmail": "",
- "AdjusterPhone": "555-111-9999",
- "AdjusterNotes": "adjuster notes",
- "DateInvestigationBegan": "2024-11-21T18:06:00.6036033Z",
- "ID": "d6460104-1fae-44bf-a7cb-32aadae1bbc4",
- "CaseNumber": "injury-1234",
- "Description": "Employee injured on-site",
- "Notes": "Additional notes",
- "FieldNotes": "Notes from Field Employees",
- "JobCode": "construction-job-123",
- "BusinessUnitCode": "BU-123",
- "LocationDescription": "job site",
- "ReportedDateUtc": "2024-11-20T18:06:00.6036033Z",
- "RecorderCode": "employee-code-01",
- "PersonInChargeCode": "employee-code-02",
- "IncidentDateUtc": "2024-11-20T17:06:00.6036033Z",
- "Status": "Reported",
- "Latitude": 29.76,
- "Longitude": 95.37,
- "Weather": "Overcast",
- "PersonMostFamiliarCode": "employee-code-03",
- "RecordedEmail": "",
- "RecordedPhoneNumber": "555-111-1111",
- "PersonInChargeEmail": "",
- "PersonInChargePhoneNumber": "555-111-2222",
- "PersonMostFamiliarEmail": "",
- "PersonMostFamiliarPhoneNumber": "555-111-3333",
- "EstimatedCost": 1000,
- "ActualCost": 1100,
- "IsMSHAInvestigation": true,
- "Individuals": "employee-code-01;employee-code-02;employee-code-03",
- "SiteDescription": "Work site description",
- "AccidentInjuryExplanation": "Employee injured left arm while working on XYZ",
- "StepsToPreventFutureOccurrences": "Hazard control steps will be attached to equipment"