Best Practices

To make the most of our API's capabilities and maintain a smooth experience, here are some best practices for handling API errors:

Error Identification

Familiarize yourself with the API error codes and messages provided in our documentation. This information will help you diagnose and address specific issues effectively:


If you encounter an error, consider retrying the request before taking further action. Our built-in retry logic will handle this for you, but you can also manually initiate retries if needed.

Built-in retry logic can try at least 3 times and wait 30-60 seconds between retries.

Check Documentation

Consult our API documentation for guidance on error responses, potential causes, and recommended actions to resolve common issues.

Guides contain general information that is helpful for utilizing the HCSS API, such as obtaining access tokens, explaining concepts, and troubleshooting requests.

Error Handling in Code

When implementing your integration, ensure your code has robust error handling. This includes checking for API errors, interpreting error responses, and deciding whether a retry is necessary.

Logging and Monitoring

Implement comprehensive logging and monitoring in your application to keep track of API requests and responses, including any error conditions. This information can be valuable for debugging and performance analysis.

Rate Limiting

Respect rate limits imposed by our API to prevent excessive requests, which can lead to errors or temporary restrictions on your access. See Rate Limits.


If you're stuck, please contact us and we'll help you out.